The Lafayette County Fire Department responds to emergency medical calls, whether medical or traumatic in nature, and provides emergency medical care to the Basic Life Support (BLS). Lafayette County Fire Department currently has 8 Paramedics, 22 EMT-Basics, and 16 EMR’s, all operating at the BLS level. All 13 frontline Engines, 3 Wildland Fire Apparatus, 1 Quick Response Truck, and 3 command vehicles are supplied with all the tools necessary to provide basic life support (BLS). The EMS Division is tasked with the following duties:

  • Provide non-transport basic life support for our citizens
  • Coordinating continuing education and training to meet certification standards set by the State of Mississippi EMS Bureau and the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians
  • Compiling data of EMS incidents through documenting patient care reports
  • Medical training for the citizens of Lafayette County (CPR/AED and Stop the Bleed)

We offer numerous training opportunities annually to our members and the public. We deliver an 80-hour Emergency Medical Responder Course annually along with monthly continuing education. We offer CPR certification through the American Heart Association to the public on request, as well as a Stop the Bleed course which is recognized by the American College of Surgeons. The LCFD is also a Stop the Bleed ambassador.